what our clients say

Our commitment to you: Learning your wishes and doing our best to fulfill them.
We have long term clients for a reason.

Richard Woods

Senior Principal - Bridges, Cardno Pty Ltd.

Cardno (formerly MBK) have used Latter Rain for bridge drafting services since 1984 and, in that time, we have developed a close working relationship. We have found that their performance in bridge drafting has been outstanding. Paul and his team have always delivered on time, within budget and always meet or exceed the required drafting standards.

From the early bridges on the Sydney-Newcastle expressway to the Cable-Stayed Phu-My bridge in Vietnam, and for all the other bridges during those 35 years, including a recent 11 span Super T Bridge for the RMS at Nelligen in 2019, Latter Rain has never let us down. We could not have delivered those bridge designs without their commitment and experience.

Many of our bridge designs have been for RMS, and other road authorities, that have very particular and demanding requirements for bridge drafting. Paul and his team are highly experienced in meeting those requirements and having drafters that have worked over 30 to 40 years on RMS bridge drafting for Cardno is a huge benefit. It really takes the stress out of delivering the drawings to the RMS (Transport of NSW) Bridge drafting standards.

Although the Latter Rain drafters work remotely from our office, I find that using them is preferable to bringing in contract drafters. Modern communications make remote working easy. I know that the Latter Rain team have worked through nights many, many times to make sure we were able to deliver drawings on time and contract drafters will not do that. Latter Rain is such a professional and reliable team, that is why we have had such a long history and strong relationship.

James Nasr

Bridges Manager - New Design, Senior Bridge Engineer, Cardno Pty Ltd.

The perfect mix of responsibility, excellence and experience is a rare and highly valued asset in any industry and Latter Rain has that in spades. Working with a team who have the experience to anticipate your needs, take all the pressure off, solve problems, co-ordinate with clients and put in the necessary effort to always meet demanding deadlines or standards makes working with them a pleasure.

They really do go the extra mile, I highly value their service. I use their drawings, experience, accuracy and work ethic as a standard and inspiration for my in-house team.

Ian Camilleri

Senior Design Engineer, RTA. Chief Bridge Engineer, Ove Arup and BG&E

My first recollection of Latter Rain occurred during my time as a senior bridge design engineer with the DMR (previously RTA of NSW).  Latter Rain was engaged as an external drafting resource by the RMS Bridge Branch in late 1980’s, early 1990’s when Ray Wedgewood was the Chief Bridge Engineer managing the bridge group.  To my knowledge Latter Rain has also been the only structural drafting firm other than the few large bridge design consultancies that the RMS would allow onto their Bridge Drafting Panel since its inception.

When I joined Ove Arup (Sydney) I established a Bridge Group and pre-qualified Arup onto the RMS Small and Complex Bridge Design Panels and developed an expert bridge design team. During my 10 year stay I engaged Latter Rain to fill the gap as required and always being transparent with the various bridge clients in the process.

They gave us immediate capacity (up to 7000 hrs pa.) and because of their extensive RMS experience they complemented our bridge design experience in a seamless manner, examples being the Arup Sydney’s contribution to the Coopernook to Herons Creek Pacific Hwy upgrade, the Brisbane Northern Busway and Airport Link, the Ipswich Motorway and a range of council bridges. Whilst with Arup Sydney, I was able to lead the firm into the NSW Infrastructure world, Paul and his team offered a significant contribution to this success.

I have found Paul and his team to be experienced, professional and highly committed and responsible.  I have not found any other resource that could match such valuable qualities.

Darnelle Stipp

Principle, Design-Analysis

Latter Rain is our preferred supplier for infrastructure drafting and modelling. Paul and his team have extensive in-depth knowledge of technical standards and their work is always exemplary and accurate.

Our projects benefit from their wide-ranging experience which adds value to our clients.  They always follow a collaborative approach and are extremely reliable.  We look forward to continuing our work with Latter Rain.

Mark Bennett

Former Senior Bridge Engineer, New Design, Bridge Engineering, Roads and Maritime Services, NSW

Paul Keogh from Latter Rain Pty Ltd has been drafting structural bridge drawings for over 35 years.  Latter Rain Pty Ltd has provided drafting services to many of the top tier bridge consultants preparing bridge designs in NSW.

He has also provided drafting services direct to Bridge Engineering at RMS through Panel Contracts since 2010.  With this experience Latter Rain Pty Ltd are very familiar with the drafting style and standards of RMS Bridge Engineering and have demonstrated advanced CAD skills.

Ashman Singh

Senior Engineer, Arcadis

‘Quality product’ are the words that come to mind when discussing Latter Rain. Paul and his team have been easy to work with, their collaborative approach has helped us work together and have a smooth journey throughout the time we have been engaged together.

Since engaging Latter Rain, using their skillset in workshops and meetings, our clients have been blown away by the quality of the visualisation and how forward thinking we are. They have always met the deadlines set to them and we look forward to working with them on future projects.

Stuart Cameron

Operations Manager - Highway & Structures, Arcadis

Paul Keogh and the team at Latter Rain Bridge Drafting & Visualisation have produced realistic and immersive visualisations on each project where they have worked with us. The visualisations are rich in detail and mesh seamlessly with high quality images.

So what happens on a project where high quality images are not available? Paul and the team created the entire built and natural environments from scratch. On one project they even went so far as to recreate the adjacent township digitally to provide an accurate background for a realistic project context! Latter Rain have set a very high bar on the quality of visualisations that can be produced.

The immersive nature of the visualisations illicit active stakeholder engagement and showcase important planning and design considerations in a way that is immediately recognised by the stakeholders. Although highly creative, the Latter Rain team have excellent technical skills and are deadline focused.

I am looking forward to further opportunities to be able to showcase how well planned and designed key infrastructure projects can function in the surrounding environment!

Peter Boesch

Senior Principal - Bridges, Cardno Pty Ltd.

Latterrain has been a good partner for Cardno over past decades to support our bridges team.

We have experienced great collaboration on many projects with high expectations on time and quality and Latter Rain have delivered to a high standard.



Latter Rain