Latter Rain projects

Hunter Expressway F3 Flyover

  • Location:Hunter & Sydney/Newcastle Expressways, NSW
  • Category:Bridge
  • Client:BG&E
  • Detail:Detailing incrementally launched PT box culvert bridge

This new expressway creates a safer, more efficient freight transport route, cuts travel times between major urban hubs, and reduces the traffic burden on regional highways and local roads

Phu My Bridge Over Saigon River

  • Location:Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Category:Bridge
  • Client:Cardno
  • Detail:Detailing temporary works for cable-stayed bridge

This 705m long cable-stayed bridge spans the Saigon River in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam as an important transport link from the southern Mekong delta region to the central and northern parts of Vietnam

Beatrice Bush Pedestrian Bridge

  • Location:Victoria Road, White Bay, Sydney, NSW
  • Category:Bridge
  • Client:Cardno
  • Detail:Detailing 4 span horseshoe shaped steel box girder

Cardno were the designers and Latter Rain were engaged to detail this 160m long, horseshoe shaped steel box culvert bridge spanning Victoria Road on the northern approach to Sydney’s iconic Anzac bridge.

Nan Tien Temple Bridge Over Princess Highway

  • Location:Wollongong, NSW
  • Category:Bridge
  • Client:Cardno
  • Detail:Detailing non-typical multi span Super T bridge

The 113m long Nan-Tien project involved the design of a new pedestrian footbridge over Princes Motorway near Wollongong, NSW



Latter Rain